Aktion Arkiv is an independent research group consisting of Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Maryam Fanni, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Jennifer Mack, Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk and Svava Riesto. The collective was founded by Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Helena Mattsson and Meike Schalk in 2013 and expanded in 2021. The members are based in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin.

Aktion Arkiv’s methods are based on collaborative formats, such as participatory action research, and simultaneously, these formats are also part of the dissemination of the research. They have developed participatory historical records through public actions that bring together diverse actors and a public around urban cultural, historical, and political issues by employing experimental research formats such as witness seminars, walks, films, re-enactments, collective time-space mappings and Forum Theater.

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mail [at] aktionarkiv [dot] org

Aktion Arkiv is an independent research group founded in 2013 by researchers and architects Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk and Sara Brolund de Carvalho. Since 2021(?) the group also includes Maryam Fanni, Jennifer Mack, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita and Svava Riesto. The members are based in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin.

Aktion Arkiv’s methods are based on collaborative formats, such as participatory action research, and simultaneously, these formats are also part of the dissemination of the research. They have developed participatory historical records through public actions that bring together diverse actors and a public around urban cultural, historical, and political issues by employing experimental research formats such as witness seminars, walks, films, re-enactments, collective time-space mappings and Forum Theater.

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Solidarity Report - Two Witness
seminars on Danish and Swedish
Welfare Housing in Crisis

This report documents the conversations that occurred during two seminars, “Caring for Plans: Narratives of the Parallel Society Package”, held at the Copenhagen Architecture Festival CAFx, October 17, 2021, and “Solidarity in Times of Repressive Politics: A Seminar on the Effect of the Concepts
‘Particularly/Vulnerable Areas’”, held at Folkets Husby, October 15, 2022, in the Stockholm suburb of Husby.
Narratives about the “failure” of large-scale housing from the postwar decades are now guiding major physical, social, and economic changes in neighborhoods all over Europe. Denmark and Sweden have long been known for their welfare-state systems and benevolent housing policies. However, in recent years, both countries have enacted new national “anti-segregation” measures that call for major physical and social changes to neighborhoods built in the 1960s and 1970s. In these processes, the opinions of local communities and residents of the neighborhoods have seldom been heard. By workin with “witness seminars,” a method adopted from oral history, it is our aim to foreground residents’ perspectives and how they have enacted solidarity and collective resistance to these measures.

Keywords: Housing, lived experience,
crisis, affect, repressive politics,
oral history

Read the full report here.

Journal article:
‘You can simply say no’: Narrating the effects and affects of Danish and Swedish housing in crisis

Abstract: Narratives about the ‘failure’ of large-scale post-World War II housing are now guiding major physical, social, and economic changes in neighborhoods all over Europe. This is true even in Denmark and Sweden, which have long been known for their welfare states and benevolent housing policies. Today, however, both countries have enacted new national anti-segregation measures that call for major physical and social changes to neighborhoods built in the postwar era, even as the opinions of local communities and residents of such neighborhoods have been only sparsely heard—if at all. By working with the method ‘witness seminars’, we—as the research collective Aktion Arkiv— foreground residents’ perspectives and their collective resistance: the effects and affects of top-down changes. While sharing their lived experiences and actions, residents say that architects and planners can ‘simply say no’ and thereby refuse to participate in these actions.

Keywords: Housing, lived experience, crisis, affect, repressive politics, oral history

Read the full article here.
Published Jan 2024.

Solidarity in times of repressive politics – a seminar on the effects of the concepts “especially/vulnerable areas”

-Marlen Eskander, social antropologist, executive director and founder of Läsfrämjarinstitutet,
-Beata Hemer, architect and member of the association Initiativet for Retfærdig Boligpolitik/Almen Modstand and Almen Arkiv, Danmark.
-Ilhan Kellecioglu, researcher and active member of Ort till Ort and author of “Rapport inifrån Hemblahelvetet”
-Marie Northroup, antropologist and member of the association Initiativet for Retfærdig Boligpolitik/Almen Modstand and Almen Arkiv, Danmark.
-Nazem Tahvilzadeh, political scientist and researcher.

Moderator: Maryam Fanni

Panel discussion + poster exhibition at Folkets Husby
Funded by ARQ c/o White AB – Foundation for architecture research and FFNS Foundation for research, development and education
October 2022

Photo: Aktion Arkiv
Witness seminar:
Caring for Plans: Narratives of the Parallel Society Package

- Elsebeth Frederiksen, member of Almen Modstand and resident of Gellerup neighbourhood, Aarhus, Denmark
- Alex Young Pedersen, member of Almen Modstand and resident of Bispeparken, Aarhus, Denmark
– Søren-Emil Schütt, member of Almen Modstand and resident of Lundtoftegade, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Fatma Tounsi, member of Almen Modstand and resident of Bellahøj, Denmark

Moderators: Heidi Svenningsen Kajita and Svava Riesto

Witness seminar + exhibits by Almen Arkiv and students from the MA program of Landscape Architecture, University of Copenhagen, at the community building of the housing area Lundtoftegade, under the wings of the CAFX Copenhagen Architecture Festival
Funded by ARQ c/o White AB – Foundation for architecture research and FFNS Foundation for research, development and education
October 2021

Photo: Francesco Martello

Forum Theatre:
Caring for Communities

A theater play dealing with common rooms as a conflict area between bureaucracy and community action.

The project was initiated by Action Archive + Beatrice Stüde and produced in collaboration with Arkitekturzentrum Wien. Theater der Unterdrückten Wien (http://tdu-wien.at) was commissioned to develop the play and the process was led by Magoa Hanke och Veronika Vitovec. Actors were; Erica Ras, Evdokia Romanova, Hannes Reitberger and Katharina Fischer.

Presented in connection with the exhibition Critical Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet (Az W, 2019).
Nordbahnhof, Vienna, AT
September 2019

Photo: Maria Noisternig