Aktion Arkiv is an independent research group consisting of Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Maryam Fanni, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Jennifer Mack, Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk and Svava Riesto. The collective was founded by Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Helena Mattsson and Meike Schalk in 2013 and expanded in 2021. The members are based in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin.

Aktion Arkiv’s methods are based on collaborative formats, such as participatory action research, and simultaneously, these formats are also part of the dissemination of the research. They have developed participatory historical records through public actions that bring together diverse actors and a public around urban cultural, historical, and political issues by employing experimental research formats such as witness seminars, walks, films, re-enactments, collective time-space mappings and Forum Theater.

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mail [at] aktionarkiv [dot] org

Aktion Arkiv is an independent research group founded in 2013 by researchers and architects Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk and Sara Brolund de Carvalho. Since 2021(?) the group also includes Maryam Fanni, Jennifer Mack, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita and Svava Riesto. The members are based in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin.

Aktion Arkiv’s methods are based on collaborative formats, such as participatory action research, and simultaneously, these formats are also part of the dissemination of the research. They have developed participatory historical records through public actions that bring together diverse actors and a public around urban cultural, historical, and political issues by employing experimental research formats such as witness seminars, walks, films, re-enactments, collective time-space mappings and Forum Theater.

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Caring for Communities

This publication collects the notes from Aktion Arkivs ethnographic field studies of summer 2017 of newly built common rooms in the Nordbahnviertel (the Northern Railway District) in Vienna. It comprises excerpts from guided home tours and interviews with residents, representatives of the Nordbahn district management and a non-profit housing developer. Developed in collaboration with Architekturzentrum Wien.

Published by Action Archive Publishing, Stockholm 2019

Funded by Formas (SRE Architecture in the Making), ARQ c/o White AB and Architekturzentrum Wien - AzW